Monday, June 21, 2021

Thanks for "Stopping By"...

On Monday morning at approximately 9:00am narcotics agents of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office arrested Jordan Douglas Harrison, age 22, of 3980 South Plank road, Sanford.

Jordan Harrison was stopped and approached by agents who had witnessed Harrison operating a black in color Chevrolet Malibu on Elm Street and then turn into the parking lot of the Lee County Courthouse. Agents knew that Harrison’s license were revoked at the time of this incident. Upon approach agents observed two pistol magazine and an empty holster sitting in plain view on the center console. Agents knew Harrison to be a convicted felon, asked are there any firearms inside the vehicle? Harrison stated yes in the center console. A thorough search of the vehicle was conducted of the vehicle by agents. Agents discover a semi-automatic Taurus G2C 9mm pistol loaded with 16 rounds of 9mm ammo, one set of digital scales and 2 magnetic lock boxes. One magnetic lock box was found inside the vehicle along with the digital scales and was empty. The other magnetic lock box was found by agents underneath the hood in the engine compartment area and contained, one clear plastic bag containing 7 grams of marijuana, another larger clear plastic bag containing 53 grams of crystal methamphetamine, and one small blue tinted see through zip lock style back containing approximately 2 grams of an unidentified at this time substance. Harrison was processed and charged with two counts of trafficking crystal methamphetamine, one count of possession with the intent to sell and deliver crystal methamphetamine, one count of possession with the intent to sell and deliver marijuana, one count of felony maintaining a vehicle used for the storage and sells of an illicit controlled substance, one count of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, one count of felony possession of a firearm by felon, and last but not least, one count of operating a motor vehicle while the defendants license were revoked by the state of North Carolina. Harrison is jailed under a $500,000.00.


  1. You go LCSD and Narcotic agents!!! Clean our streets and take out the trash!

  2. Good job LCSD - Since he won't be needing that 9mm ammo, can I get a few rounds? - lol That stuff is hard to come by these days.

  3. Great job Lee County Sheriff's Department, keep up the good work. Stay safe and God Bless each one of you.

  4. To late to betend to cry now. At least it's not a child's mom crying because people like you helped their child overdose. Good going sherriff.One less scum bag on street.

  5. i was wondering if there is a way to look up people that are released from jail. Is there a way to find out

  6. thank you for making it safer for all people. I really appreciate you.

  7. Thank you for trying to save my son.
